Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Vexve factory.

Export of Products

Export of Vexve products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Vexve products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Vexve: shut-off and control ball valves, disc valves, thermoregulators, mixing valves, thermal mixing units
  • Steel cranes Vexve
    Steel cranes
    DN 10-800, etc.
  • Cranes with an elongated stem Vexve
    Cranes with an elongated stem
    DN 25-600, etc.
  • Thermal mixing units Vexve
    Thermal mixing units
    Termomat,Solar,Termovar,ACGE, etc.
  • Special purpose cranes Vexve
    Special purpose cranes
    DN 15-300, etc.
  • Full-bore cranes Vexve
    Full-bore cranes
    DN 15-800, etc.
  • Mixing valves Vexve
    Mixing valves
    AMV, ABV, Termomix, etc.
  • Gas taps Vexve
    Gas taps
    DN 10-500, etc.
  • Stainless steel taps Vexve
    Stainless steel taps
    DN 10-250, etc.
  • Regulating cranes Vexve
    Regulating cranes
    DN 15-300, etc.
  • Shut-off valves Vexve
    Shut-off valves
    DN 300-800, DN 900-1400, etc.
  • Regulating valves Vexve
    Regulating valves
    DN 300-800, DN 900-1200, etc.
  • Thermoregulators Vexve
    AM10, AM20, AM40, etc.


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